Advanced Dental Services & Technology – Morgan Hill, CA

Bringing You the Best of Modern Dentistry

Timeless Smiles Morgan Hill is proud to be a tech-forward dental office. By implementing the most recent, innovative technologies into our dental office, Dr. Hong can ensure that your care is incredibly safe, comfortable, efficient, accurate, and effective. On this page, you can read about the advanced dental technology we use here at our dental office and how it improves your overall experience. If you’d like to learn even more, or schedule an appointment, please give us a call today.

Committed to State-of-the-Art & Comfortable Dental Experiences

  • Highly Accurate
  • Painless, Gentle Plaque and
    Stain Removal
  • Dental Impressions Without Messy Putty

VHF E4 Dental Milling Machine

Who needs a dental lab? This device enables us to fabricate 100% custom-designed, all-porcelain dental crowns in a single appointment. We simply scan your tooth, digitally design your restoration, and then our milling machine brings it into reality. Rather than giving you a temporary crown and having you come back a few weeks later to get your real one, you can step inside our office and leave with a completely renewed tooth in a matter of hours.


Air flow relaxation system

AirFlow is a much more comfortable and relaxing technique for cleaning your teeth compared to traditional hand instruments. Using a mixture of warm water and caries-resistant polishing powder, we’re able to remove built-up plaque as well as surface stains, resulting in a stress-free experience that leaves you with a dazzling, refreshed smile. AirFlow technology can also be used for an easy-going deep cleaning of your gum line, effectively preventing more serious complications from developing such as periodontal disease and even systemic issues like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Say goodbye to uncomfortable dental tools and hello to a spa-like treatment!

All-Digital X-Rays

Digital x rays on chairside computer screen

X-ray technology is a staple of dentistry, and today’s dental X-rays are 100% digital. This makes the images that are produced much clearer than the traditional film of the past, and they can be viewed almost instantly instead of waiting to be developed in a darkroom. Digital X-rays also emit up to 90% less radiation, making them safer for patients of all ages.

Intraoral Cameras

Dentist using intraoral camera to capture smile photos

An intraoral camera is a pen-like device with a lens on the tip that snaps detailed photographs of your teeth and gums from various angles as Dr. Hong moves it around your mouth. Since these images are projected onto a chairside monitor, you’ll be able to see exactly what Dr. Hong does. Not only will you be better informed about your oral health, but you also won’t have to rely on your imagination when we describe any issues we find.

3D Cone Beam Imaging

3 D cone beam imaging scanner

While X-rays give us vital information on what is occurring beneath the surface, they only generate two-dimensional images. With 3D cone beam imaging, we can create a complete digital model of your mouth, jaw, and nearby facial anatomy that can be viewed from any angle. This model allows us to pinpoint the locations of nerve pathways, the sinus cavities, and other delicate structures so that we can avoid them during complex procedures such as root canal therapy and dental implant placement.

Digital Impression System

Dentist capturing digital bite impressions

Gone are the days when taking dental impressions meant biting down on foul-tasting, gag-inducing putty for several minutes straight. Thanks to our 3Shape digital impression system, all we need to do is scan your teeth to create a model for a crown, veneer, nightguard, or other dental restoration. In addition to having a faster and more comfortable process, digital impressions often lead to more accurate and lasting results.

Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry

Soft tissue laser dentistry hand tool

A soft tissue laser is a concentrated beam of light that Dr. Hong can utilize during certain procedures, such as gum recontouring or gum disease therapy. The laser can painlessly remove overgrown, damaged, or infected tissue without harming any of the surrounding healthy tissue. Additionally, the laser cauterizes any blood vessels that are exposed during the procedure, meaning that any bleeding you experience afterwards is minimal.

3D Printer

Closeup of 3 D printer crafting smile model

Our dental office has its own 3D printer in-house, allowing us to produce crowns, mouthguards, and other devices that are normally made in a separate lab. After we’ve captured digital impressions of your mouth, we can create them right here in our own dental office. There’s no room for miscommunication with an outside lab team, and you won’t have to wait several weeks with an ill-fitting restoration or an unprotected tooth.

Cavity Detection System

Dentist using cavity detection system

Some cavities are so tiny, or hidden within hard-to-see areas of the mouth, that spotting them with the naked eye can be difficult. To make sure no tooth decay goes undiagnosed, Dr. Hong has invested in a state-of-the-art 3Shape cavity detection system. This device lets us locate the very first signs of decay, enabling us to treat it before it worsens. As a result, you’re able to avoid pain and the need for complex, pricey procedures.