Restorative Dentistry – Morgan Hill, CA

Personalized Repair for Injured Teeth

Whether your tooth is slightly chipped or seriously hurting, you need prompt care from a dental professional. Teeth unfortunately cannot heal themselves, but intervention can prevent the situation from getting worse. We offer several options for restorative dentistry in Morgan Hill, CA at Timeless Smiles Morgan Hill aimed at relieving your discomfort and helping your natural teeth stand the test of time. Sometimes injured teeth also go without symptoms.If you need personalized repair for injured teeth, call our dental office today.

Why Choose Timeless Smiles Morgan Hill for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Applying Biometric Principles to Preserve Tooth Structure
  • Fully Digital Dental
  • Same-Day Dental Crowns Available (Coming Soon)

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Animated smile with tooth colored filling

In the past, tooth decay was treated with amalgam fillings made from various metals. Not only did these fillings immediately make your dental work obvious, but they also weakened the teeth over time by expanding and contracting when exposed to different temperatures. Today, we use tooth-colored fillings to solve both of these problems. Made from lifelike composite resin, tooth-colored fillings chemically bond to the enamel and retain their shape. Thus, they’re a more conservative (and natural-looking) solution.

Dental Crowns

Model smile with dental crown restoration

Dental crowns are an incredibly versatile treatment, one that can address a variety of oral health problems. For a long time getting them meant waiting weeks for a dental lab to create your restoration, but same-day dental crowns make that a thing of the past. This innovative technology makes it possible to have your dental crowns milled in just over an hour, meaning that you can take advantage of everything this style of restoration has to offer on a considerably shorter timeline.

Learn More About CEREC Same-Day Crowns

Root Canals

Model healthy tooth compared with tooth in need of root canal treatment

Intense, persistent pain in a specific tooth often indicates an infection in the nerve-filled tissue in the tooth’s center, known as the pulp. To save the tooth from needing to be extracted, Dr. Hong can perform root canal therapy. After numbing your mouth to prevent pain, she’ll remove the infected pulp, sanitize the tooth’s inner chamber, and replace the pulp with a safe, biocompatible material. Then, she’ll restore the tooth with a crown so that it can function for many years to come.

Tooth Extractions

Metal clasp holding a tooth after extraction

Whether a wisdom tooth is crowding your smile or a damaged tooth is unable to be repaired, it’s never easy to part with one of your pearly whites. Our team understands your concerns, and know that we’ll only recommend tooth extractions when absolutely necessary. We’ll take every measure to ensure the entire process is painless and stress-free. If applicable, we can then discuss the possibility of replacing your tooth with a dental implant or bridge.