Dentures – Morgan Hill, CA

Enjoy a Full Smile Once Again

A smiling woman with dentures in Morgan Hill

If you deal with tooth loss, you know how bad the condition can get. It harms your smile in the short term and leads to health issues in the long run. However, you don’t have to live with such a problem – just get dentures in Morgan Hill! As made by the Timeless Smiles team, these prosthetic teeth can and will restore your cherished grin. To learn more about how they can help, just keep reading or book a visit with our office.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

A gray-haired man holding a model pair of dentures

Technically, the best way to confirm denture candidacy is to talk with a dentist. They’ll assess your situation and see if the prosthetic can meet your needs. From there, a practice can draft an appropriate treatment plan.

That said, dentures often work for those suffering from missing teeth. The best candidates deal with issues like trouble eating, difficulty speaking, and embarrassment over smiling.

Of course, only some people with tooth loss benefit from dentures. After all, you need healthy gums to support the new teeth. Furthermore, other restorations – implants, bridges, etc. – might be better if you don’t lack all the teeth along an arch.

Types of Dentures

Types of dentures set against a gray background

At the initial consult visit, our team will help you learn what treatment will look like. In particular, we’ll discuss and confirm the type of denture that best works for you. You can thus expect us to suggest one of three possible options. These span the following:

Partial Dentures

As you’d imagine, partial dentures only replace a few missing teeth. They typically go between large tooth gaps, using metal clasps to connect to your other pearly whites.

Normally, partial dentures are made from a combination of metal and acrylic. They also rely on a gum-colored base to blend better with your mouth.

Full Dentures

Full dentures replace an entire arch of teeth. As such, they stay in place with natural suction instead of clasps.

Like partials, complete dentures usually rely on acrylic and metal parts. However, they also differ because they’re custom-fitted to rest snugly over the gums.

Implant Dentures

Implant dentures are more permanent and unwavering than partial and full models. Therefore, they make a great alternative for patients unhappy with traditional kinds.

Per their name, implant dentures use dental implants – restorations that fuse to your jaw. As a result, they tend to be steady and don’t slip or fall.

The Benefits of Dentures

An elderly woman admiring her dentures in a hand mirror

You'll receive many benefits if you opt for dentures in Morgan Hill. Among them, the most noticeable ones include:

  • A Beautiful, Restored Smile – Since dentures are custom-fitted to a patient’s mouth, they result in a beautiful smile that impresses friends and family.
  • Better Eating – By giving you new teeth, dentures let you better chew and swallow food. That feature, in turn, enables you to eat a more varied, nutritious diet.
  • A Fuller Face – Dentures press against the inside of your cheeks, helping them look less hollow. Implant types also prevent jawbone less, ensuring you don’t suffer facial collapse.
  • Low Cost – While implants and bridges can be expensive, dentures have a low upfront cost, even though they’re a trusted tooth replacement solution.

Denture FAQS

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Dentures in Morgan Hill can rebuild a complete, beautiful smile. However, it's normal to have some questions about the road ahead. Dr. Jenny Hong will explain everything and address any concerns during your consultation. In the meantime, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about dentures. You can also contact our office to speak to a member of our dental team.

Can I Sleep with My Dentures?

Initially, Dr. Hong will instruct you to wear your dentures consistently for the first 24 hours. Then, you must remove them at night. Dentures are more comfortable than ever before, so you may never want to take them out, but your health and the lifespan of your prosthetics require nightly removal.

Your dentures will restrict blood circulation to your gums, which can lead to inflammation, pain, and infections if your soft tissues aren't given a break. Not to mention, your mouth is home to oral bacteria, which can accumulate on your dentures if they aren't removed. This can weaken your new teeth over time, cause unpleasant odors, and affect your oral and general health.

It's best to take your dentures out before going to bed. Besides cleaning your mouth, brush your dentures daily and place them in an overnight soaking solution. You'll give your gums time to recuperate and kill any harmful bacteria that may be lingering on your dentures.

Do Upper Dentures Always Cover the Palate?

If you've lost all of your top teeth, it's common to have concerns about diminished food taste or irritation from a denture covering the roof of your mouth. Upper dentures don't always cover the pallet. There are many types to choose from, including those with a horseshoe shape. Your denture dentist in Morgan Hill will learn more about your preferences to recommend which type of denture will be right for you.

Can I Use Regular Toothpaste to Clean My Dentures?

Dentures can't get cavities, but you still need to brush them. Food residue and plaque can cling to your dentures, which can damage them and cause odors. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a mild hand soap or dishwashing liquid to clean your dentures. You will remove residue and plaque without scratching your new set of teeth. You can also purchase over-the-counter cleaning kits designed for denture wearers.

Is a Broken Denture a Dental Emergency?

You rely on your dentures every day, which is why you'll need to call an emergency dentist if your prosthetic breaks. Never wear damaged dentures because they can cause oral injuries. If possible, wear an old denture and contact our office. Do not attempt to repair your dentures on your own with adhesives or glue. They can contain toxic ingredients or cause allergic reactions. Leave the mending to professionals. We will get you into the office quickly to provide the necessary repair or replacement to restore your beautiful, functional smile.