Teeth Whitening – Morgan Hill, CA

Helping You Achieve a More Dazzling Grin

Close-up of a beautiful smile after teeth whitening in Morgan Hill, CA

Even if you do everything you can to keep your teeth looking their best, at some point stains or discolored spots might appear on your smile. If your grin is looking duller than you would like, Dr. Hong is here to help. At Timeless Smiles Morgan Hill, we can brighten your smile by several shades with an in-office or take-home teeth whitening solution; reach out to us today if you’re interested in learning more about this popular cosmetic treatment.

Why Choose Timeless Smiles Morgan Hill for Teeth Whitening?

  • In-Office and At-Home Teeth Whitening Options
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Member
  • Comfortable Office with the Latest Technology

Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Woman sitting in dental chair and smiling

Teeth whitening is a popular form of cosmetic dentistry that many people turn to when they are bothered by noticeable tooth stains. To determine whether you’re a candidate for the procedure, we will have to examine your smile and figure out what caused the discoloration. We will also need to make sure that your mouth is in good health overall. Once we’ve gathered the information we need, we can help you decide whether teeth whitening is worth pursuing in your case.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Male dental patient giving the okay sign

You can whiten your smile with one of our Opalescence take-home kits or with a KöR in-office treatment. Both are reliable, but there are some important differences between them. Here’s a quick look at the basics for each type of whitening:

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

A take-home whitening kit contains professional-grade bleaching gel as well as customized trays. You will wear the trays over your teeth after filling them with the gel. We’ll give you instructions on how often and how long to use the trays. Many people who use professional take-home whitening kits see significant improvements after just a couple of weeks.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

With KöR in-office whitening, our team will use a powerful bleaching gel to significantly brighten your teeth over the course of a single appointment. The procedure can be completed in as little as an hour, making this a great option if you want to whiten your smile for a specific event in the near future.

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Bearded man walking outside during sunset and smiling

How can you make sure that the results of teeth whitening last? Our team is here to offer a few useful tips:

  • Try to avoid coffee, soda, and any other beverages that can stain teeth. If you do drink them, use a straw to minimize the amount of contact between the liquid and your enamel.
  • Keep your teeth clean. Remember to brush at least two times a day, and don’t forget to floss or rinse with mouthwash.
  • Visit our office twice a year for a professional cleaning. You may also want to ask our team about the possibility of having touch-up whitening treatments performed to maintain the dazzling appearance of your smile.