MetLife Dentist–Morgan Hill, CA

Learn More About the Benefits of MetLife Dentist

Dental insurance button on keyboard

Healthy teeth and gums aren't just important for a beautiful smile. Researchers have found a direct connection between your oral and general health. Brushing and flossing can help keep preventable dental problems at bay, like cavities and gum disease. However, they aren't enough to save your smile from tooth loss. You must also visit your dentist regularly. Your dental insurance gives you access to the affordable services your teeth and gums need. Your MetLife dentist in Morgan Hill, Dr. Jenny Hong, will provide the comprehensive care you need to reach optimal oral health without draining your bank account.

MetLife Dentist Coverage Availability & Fees

Female dental hygienist

Dental insurance differs from medical coverage because there are yearly limits and maximums. Paying your monthly premiums gives you access to discounted rates for common treatments. Although every plan differs, most include:

  • 100% of preventive services.
  • 80% of minor restorative services.
  • 50% of major restorative services.

MetLife is a nationwide provider of affordable dental plans for families and individuals. You can visit your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup after a co-payment. 100% of preventative services are covered to keep your mouth healthy. By doing so, you're less likely to need costly dental work later. Every $1 spent on prevention can save up to $50 on restorative and emergency fees.

If your dentist finds a problem, or you have a dental emergency, MetLife is there for you. They will cover a portion of the cost of common restorative procedures after meeting your deductible. You can use your annual allowance to lower the amount you will pay out-of-pocket.

Unfortunately, dental insurance doesn't last forever. Your benefits reset at the end of the year and you'll lose anything you haven't used. With less than 3% of Americans meeting or exceeding their annual limits, we don't want to see you throw money down the drain.

MetLife recommends choosing a dentist in their network to enjoy more coverage at the time of services because they have pre-negotiated rates. You can still visit any dentist that accepts your policy, but you'll have to pay the difference between your insurance's allowable amount and the dentist's fees.

We proudly accept both in-network and out-of-network patients to keep a healthy smile within everyone's budget.

Meet Our Insurance Coordinator 

Smiling woman pointing to her teeth

Dental insurance can be confusing, but our Insurance Coordinator is here to help you maximize your coverage. Our team member knows the ins and outs of navigating insurance policies. They will work on your behalf with MetLife, so you have one less thing on your plate. They will explain how your coverage is being used and if you owe any remaining balance.

The Insurance Coordinator will also discuss your payment options for any out-of-pocket expenses, like CareCredit. You can pay any dental fees using a monthly payment plan based on your credit approval. Our team member ’ll help you find the financial solutions you need to keep a healthy smile affordable.

If you have any questions about your dental insurance, or you’re ready to schedule an appointment, call our office at (408) 763-3008.